Audience profile
Likely audience |
I decided to construct a questionnaire and ask students the questions on it from my media class. This is because the two people I chose to question are 16 and therefore fit into the target audience for my film of 13-18 year olds. I decided to question a male and a female student so I can use their results to show why I have chosen the target audience that I have by comparing their answers along side another, this fits in to demographics and psychographics. Below is the questions I asked and the answers of the male and female students:
1. How old are you?
M- 16
2. Where do you live?
M- Eynesbury
F- St Neots
3. Favorite film genre?
M- comedy or action adventure
F - romance or comedy
4. Favorite hobbies?
M- playing football and video games
F- socialising with friends (shopping or getting coffee)
5. Do you prefer blockbusters or low-budget films?
M- blockbusters
F- I enjoy both
6. What do you spend most of your cash on?
M- video games or clothes
F- clothes
7. Do you have a part-time job?
M- No
F- Yes
8. What would you like to do after sixth form?
M- I'm not sure
F- Go to uni
9. What clothes do you like to wear most? (casual/smart/)
M- casual
F- casual
10. Do you enjoy teen angst movies (if yes, why? if no, why?)
M- No. I enjoy films more based on action rather than films based around school life. I don't find teen angst films very enjoyable
F- Yes. They are fun to watch and can also be quite funny. I enjoy watching them as I can relate to them more as well as generally characters in teen angst films are ones I can compare to people I know from my school.
Age: The age for the target audience of my film is 13-18 year olds.
Class: 'High Expectations' is aimed at middle class / working class and is generally aimed at people who like to socialise and be around peers a lot.
Gender: The film is mainly aimed at 13-18 year old girls, however it does contain some interests that may attract a male audience.
Geographical location: As the film is based in England and includes a full English cast, the geographical location of the audience would be England, but no specific area of England.
I feel as if the target audience is clear in the title sequence and opening scene of my film and we would be sure to represent this well in the advertisement of the film in order to attract the right audience. Teenagers will enjoy my film a lot more than adults purely because they can relate to a lot of the situations and scenarios in during the film, and also the two main locations / settings are at home and school; which are the two locations teenagers are most familiar with. The problems faced in the film (i.e. bitching, popularity, arguments, relationships etc) are all problems faced by teenagers in every day life more so than adults. However, because the adults don't experience these problems in their every day life they may find it quite immature and humorous so they would still be able to enjoy it even if they cannot relate to it. The reason for discussing these two types of audiences is they are most likely audience. Teenagers would be the most likely as they would be more attracted to watch it, however a parent may watch it too, for example when taking their daughter to watch it at a cinema.
Interests: The target audience for my film would have certain interests like fashion, socialising, pop music, teen angst films such as romantic comedies, and would also have an interest in make up or other accessories as the target audience is teenage girls. These are all things typically linked with teenage girls and also things very commonly found in teen angst films and so they are things the teenage audience can relate to an can also recognise from other films they enjoy. Whereas a teenage male audience would have other interests such as sports, gaming, films that involve violence and will generally interested in a much different type of clothing. Even though some of the problems faced in my film are ones a male audience may be able to relate to, it isn't something they would particularly be interested in watching in a film because they show a lack of interest to those problems, as opposed to a female audience that would find it a lot more interesting and therefore is more likely to enjoy the film.
Beliefs: The film's purpose is to try and appear as a true story based in the setting of a school environment showing a typical 'popular' teenage girls daily life and what happens to her throughout her school life. The idea is that the audience will feel as though they can relate to the situations Grace and Charlotte face throughout the film and it will make them feel more comfortable as they can relate from personal experience. Through making the audience more involved it will give them an opportunity to relate to the film more by matching characters in the film with people that they know and see every day in their own school lives.
Values: In my planning I have used a wide range of shots to connote the different stereotypes and make the clear to the audience without any dialogue needed. For example the use of a low angle shot when the characters are walking down the stairs, it represents how they are popular because they are 'higher than everyone' - however it also connotes that they are coming back down to reality in the film when they face certain challenges in the film, which is why the audience see then come down the stairs. I made sure to include upbeat and cheerful music as it is typically very girly music and something the audience would enjoy. It also connotes the characters popularity and 'bubbly' personalities. The catchy music means it will hopefully stick in the audiences heads and it will remind them of our film meaning they are likely to tell other people about my film. It was important to use a wide range of shots as well as catchy music in the making of my product to make it more successful.