Thursday, 9 January 2014

My teen angst film (2)

Image of my storyboards

Originally, our film was going to be about a teenage girl who had recently become pregnant, which is an issue teenagers commonly witness or maybe even experience. However, we decided to change the overall idea of our film to something that would appeal more to the teenage audience. Now, the film keeps the original title 'High Expectations' however the plot is now completely different. Grace is the main character, and she has one friend called Charlotte. Grace comes from a wealthy background and her parents expect her to do very well in school, hence the title 'High Expectations' - which connotes the pressures of her position and teenage life which the target audience can relate to. However, because Grace's parents act as if they are better than everyone because of their wealth, it influences Grace's behavior in school and she acts as it she is better than everyone. Her friend Charlotte is more like a follower. She does everything for Grace, like holding her bag, doing her hair and make up etc and makes sure she always looks 'fabulous'. Charlotte hates being her 'follower' but know that is the only way she is to maintain her popular status in school. 

The image above shows the three storyboards i have constructed. Due to the plot change, we had to create a new storyboard for the title sequence and opening scene. In the new storyboard, the main character Grace (played by Alice) is woken up by her alarm clock and then starts to get ready for school as music is edited in. Once she leaves to walk to school, she meets her 'follower' Charlotte (played by Georgia) but walks past her really ignorantly almost ignoring her. Then the camera focuses on a class entering a classroom while Grace and Charlotte turn up a little late and get stuff out of Grace's locker. Grace empties her locker - handing things to Charlotte one by one expecting her to hold it all and then they enter the classroom. We use a range of shots in the title sequence and opening scene but close ups, mid shots, long shots and pan shots in particular.

In terms of costumes, we decided that all the students featuring in the film should wear clothes they normally wear, to keep it more realistic, as it is based in a sixth form or 'college'. We use school books, pens, paper and just general school equipment when we introduce a pan shot of the classroom at the end of the opening scene. We also use little mirrors and general make-up collection and obviously Grace has a handbag which she gets Charlotte to carry around for her most of the time. We considered a wide variety of locations but figured it would be more logical to just use two primary locations that are relatable to the audience too keep the story easy to follow. These two primary locations are Grace's house and the school, however there are short moments of footage in the school car park and hall ways. 

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