Title list:
Title 1: Victory films (production company logo)Title 2: Starring
Production company logo |
Title 4: Giorgia Barker
Title 5: Film crew
Title 6: Aimee Clements
Zoe Brennan
Title 7: Edited by
Title 8: Josh Long
Title 9: Film Director
Title 10: Zoe Brennan
Title 11: Producer
Title 12: Aimee Clements
Title 13: Music and sound by
Title 14: Josh Long
Tom Bennett
Title 15: High Expectations
In media lessons we looked at how titles appear in certain films such as Juno and Easy A which are both teen angst films as well. We decided to use a purple / pink colour for our titles as it is stereotypically quite a 'girly' colour.We also used hand writing styled font in order to make the title seem more appealing to the audience, as previously we had white coloured block-styled text for the titles and it wasn't very appealing - and didn't suit the style of film. We made the titles appear using the fade transition for the movie title. We also used a wipe transition for the rest of the titles.
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